Sunday, August 14, 2016

SETTINGS in Blogger. Why should we choose HTTPS?

Here is a "HELP" screen from Google.  It appears useful to switch our blogs to HTTPS


Turn on HTTPS redirect for your blog

If you want visitors to access your blog only over HTTPS, you can turn on HTTPS redirect.
There are three main benefits to using HTTPS instead of HTTP to access your blog:
  • It helps check that your visitors open the correct website and aren’t being redirected to a malicious site.
  • It helps detect if an attacker tries to change any data sent from Blogger to the visitor.
  • It adds security measures that make it harder for other people to listen to your visitors’ conversations, track their activities, or steal their information.
Note: HTTPS is currently not available for custom domain blogs.
When you enable HTTPS redirect, visitors always reach the encrypted version of your blog at https://<your-blog>
To enable HTTPS redirect:
  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. Select the blog to update.
  3. On the left menu, click Settings > Basic > HTTPS.
  4. In "HTTPS Redirect," select Yes.
If you disable HTTPS redirect, visitors have two options for viewing your blog:
  1. View the unencrypted version of your blog at http://<your-blog>
  2. View the encrypted version of your blog at https://<your-blog>
To disable HTTPS redirect:
  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. Select the blog to update.
  3. On the left menu, click Settings > Basic > HTTPS.
  4. In "HTTPS Redirect," select No.

How to "slow down time." Take time to reflect, to capture and remember

Blogging is an effective way to capture your current ideas and influences.  What has influenced your experiences recently?

Lee Brower, a consultant for wealth management and a motivational speaker in Utah, pointed out in a workshop (I took the workshop in 2005) that "time appears to go more quickly as we get older."

1.  Time seems to go by quickly.   "Wow!  It's August!  The year is 2/3 gone!  That was fast!"

2.  How many events from 5 years ago can you recall?   What happened in 2011?  If you can recall 5 events, then the year probably appears to have passed quickly.  If you can recall 25 events, then the year appears "fuller" and "time passed more slowly."

3.  If we can recall more events, we get a sense that "time is moving more slowly" -- so Lee suggests that we keep a diary or blog of our activities.   If you have a place to look at, then you can store those memories.